21-24 July 2022
IAGP is holding its hybrid Pre-Congress and Congress partly in Pescara
Italy and partly online https://iagp2022.com .
19-21 August 2022 in Riga, Latvia on the theme
A Dream within a Dream Clark will present as a keynote speaker and Kate will hold a whole-day psychosociodrama workshop on the theme Realising dreams of a better world
"BRINGING THE FUTURE INTO THE PRESENT", held ONLINE August 6-9, 2020. One day pre-conference and 3-day conference; excellent international presenters; 93 workshops in various languages; panels & discussions; exciting social events; entertainment; process & interest groups; this conference is truly memorable!
Kate presented at the first (2020) and second (2021) online international psychodrama conferences via the Bringing the Future into the Present & Living the Dream: International Sociometry & Action in the Virtual Space.
Kate’s preconference workshop was on the theme
of the Wisdom of Ages - how did your ancestors guide you and what will
you tell the children exploring survival techniques, life
challenges and some ways forward. Addressing personal and societal
transgenerational trauma and resources. Kate also presented Sociatry: A
Mutually Reponsive World Sociometry your involvement contributes
to world change and it matters.
Kate gave the keynote speech “Cosmopolitism - the Role of World Citizen.”
Göran Ahlin, Lars Tauvon, Kate Bradshaw Tauvon, with others, co-founded of the Stockholm Group Conference for Social Issues (SOCI) in 1996 on the basis of a growing awareness of social and political changes that undermine self-evident human rights and obstruct social and psychotherapeutic work.
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Skånegatan 87
SE116 35 Stockholm
© Genuine Encounters Centre for Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy (GECP)