Jacob Levy Moreno, the founder of psychodrama (1889-1974) already in 1934 in his famous book, Who Shall Survive?, formulated issues concerning theories and practices aimed at the prevention and mitigation of direct and structural violence. Born in Romania, he was an Austrian-American psychiatrist, psychosociologist and educator, who conceptualized an interpersonal psychological theory and the concept of the “Genuine Encounter” which was in fact the theoretical basis for group therapy.
The Genuine Encounter is a meeting between two individuals in a spontaneous moment where creativity can lead to new choices and freedom to act. Spontaneity means relying on one's implicit knowledge (unconscious) and freeing oneself from anxiety. Creativity is the basis of all progress in human history and necessary for change.
Psychodrama has been defined as a deep action method dealing with interpersonal relations and private ideologies, and sociodrama as a deep action method dealing with intergroup relations and collective ideologies. JL Moreno Psychodrama Vol. 1 (p352).
Zerka T. Moreno, JL’s partner and muse, in a personal communication defined it as a way of practising living without being punished for making mistakes.
GECP provides a Post-Graduate Diploma in Classical Psychodrama leading to the titles of Psychodrama Director, Psychodrama Psychotherapist, and Psychodramatist.
Skånegatan 87
SE116 35 Stockholm
© Genuine Encounters Centre for Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy (GECP)